Taming.io is a game me and my brother play. You can tame pets, unlock new items, and play with your friends! My go-to pet is the wolf. His name is Shadow. My brother's pet's name is Buddy Bear. The only thing I dislike about this game is that I always get killed by other players. While this may sound like something not that bad, it sucks. I have OP boss pets and the best level I've ever been at, and a player with a katana comes while I'm at low health and slices me in half like I'm nothing. This is just my opinion, but I think you should be able to play offline/turn off multiplayer, or at least make it so you could only play with friends. The new update adds boars and deer, it also fixes some bugs in the game and adds a new weapon too. The katana is really OP. After you unlock the first sword you can unlock the katana. (Also the Christmas event is over and the reindeer and Christmas skins can nolonger be unlocked.) If you want to try the game out yourself, here's the link - https://taming.io/
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