
 Terraria. I bought this game on Steam a couple weeks ago and have been loving it! My dad is really good at Terraria and i play with him and my brother. Here's the Terraria Wiki. 


My brother started a server that he named finnland. (not named after the place but... it's still funny) My character's name is Scone and my brother's is Pet Walrus. We have a cute little village with lots of NPC's including The Guide, The Merchant, The Nurse, The Hair Stylist, The Zoologist, The Dryad, The Painter, The Painter, The Arms Dealer, The Angler, The Dye Trader, and we recently got The Witch Doctor!!! We even have a cat NPC named Snowball, and a dog NPC named Copper. My brother found the Dog Whistle in one of the presents from the winter update. (the Dog Whistle is super rare!!!!!!) We named him Fernando. We beat the Eye Of Cthulhu, The King Slime, and The Queen Bee. I have a Hornet Staff, and the necklace that make there be two minions, so I have two hornets that fight for me. Can't wait to post some more about Terarria! 🌳🌷🐈🐕


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